Memorial services for Bobby J’s owner Beth Sfalos were both simple and uplifting. I’m not a funeral fan, but this service was one that didn’t leave me wondering where all the liars came from.
If anything, the testimonials for Beth were more euphemistic than contrived glorification, for there are not enough adjectives to really do this lady justice. She was the personification of altruism and fairness; where there are many takers, Elizabeth (Beth) Sfalos was always the giver.
She was an animal lover and dog rescuer who doted on her children. She was a listener, a care giver, and a friend with true courage. When the metastatic cancer really broke loose with little chance of retreat in her body, it was Beth who said stop the chemo.
It was a Christian service but the preacher didn’t preach. He reminded one and all that our first allegiance must be to God, and the second to the people around us.
There was no music at the memorial. Had there been, Kristofferson’s “One Day at a Time” would have been my choice. This is the song that says it all for me.
I find myself attending far more funerals than weddings these days.
Today is a mystery, tomorrow is history. And all any of us really have is today.