Welcome to Action Magazine

Sam Kindrick, publisher of Action Magazine for 43 years, is now back with this biographical log (as in blog). This site will contain old Kindrick columns from Action Magazine, as well as current posts which will be far ranging in content. 

And if you’re looking for the old PDF back issues of Action Magazine, they are up under the menu under “Issues.” If you don’t see what you’re looking for there, you’ll have to go to the Wittliff Collections for it.

Sam Kindrick

The Loss and The Key

I have survived both bladder and thyroid cancer. A ruptured appendix many years ago almost did me in, and I received third-degree leg burns in a senseless gasoline fire that could have killed me. Such minor inconveniences are hardly worth mentioning. The physical pain from the surgeon’s scalpel, and mishaps inflicted by the machinery of…

Sam Kindrick

Favorite Columns